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  Bitter-Sweet   Many of us have a place in our heart which holds a special meaning, a house, park, a beach or in my case it’s a whole city. Bangalore. Ah… Bangalore… Flashback... January 2018, a cold winter morning stepping out of the plane  with  a little quiver, Bangalore I did exclaim, or Bengaluru if that’s how you wanna call it.  (End of flashback. No seriously that’s is all you guys are getting) (I’ll give you some trivia instead) A lot many civilizations in the world used to have something called   “The rite of passage” a ritual trial marking your accession into adulthood. It's been two years already, now that I look back,   Bangalore has been exactly that “My rite of passage”.  The decision to move to Bangalore I sure as hell took that on a whim, chasing dreams and people, hahaha. Barely a year but a bitter sweet one none the less. The best description about my life in bangalore would be ‘like sailing a boat or rather learning to’. Rocking side to side. From utte