



Many of us have a place in our heart which holds a special meaning, a house, park, a beach or in my case it’s a whole city. Bangalore.

Ah… Bangalore… Flashback... January 2018, a cold winter morning stepping out of the plane with a little quiver, Bangalore I did exclaim, or Bengaluru if that’s how you wanna call it. 
(End of flashback. No seriously that’s is all you guys are getting)
(I’ll give you some trivia instead)
A lot many civilizations in the world used to have something called
 “The rite of passage” a ritual trial marking your accession into adulthood. It's been two years already, now that I look back,  Bangalore has been exactly that “My rite of passage”. The decision to move to Bangalore I sure as hell took that on a whim, chasing dreams and people, hahaha.

Barely a year but a bitter sweet one none the less.

The best description about my life in bangalore would be ‘like sailing a boat or rather learning to’.

Rocking side to side. From utter despair and solitude, losing yourself within the canyons of ire, cast aside by people whom you loved and cared for the most… To learning to live by yourself, meeting people who made you realize its okay, such is life, even when you’re lonely, lost, you will find hope and most of all “you should give because you can and you want to. Not while expecting it to be returned”.  For sometimes when you need help it will be given not from where  you were expecting, but from where you weren’t. 
Uh n definitely Jhãna, hahaha.

Though it’s been over a year since I left Bangalore I guess the chapter was never really closed. But today finally as the curtain falls on it, I reminisce with nothing but fondness. All the memories,  all those wonderful people whom I can now call friends. Though time and distance separate us & contact has turned to a minimum. Know that a part of you is still with me.
I guess in that sense who we are is just a collection of impressions, some good-some bad, of the people we have come across in our life. (I know its deep, but stay with me, you can think about this later)

As this chapter finally comes to a closure, Thank you for coming into my life. For leaving a part of you within me to help me cherish and move forward in this wonderful life.



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